Monday, 16 December 2013

Mobile Apps Of GroupDeal

Unity always results with a best output. This will be aptly suitable for any kind of strategies. But this will be most suited to the daily deal industry. By concreting this as a basic framework, a successful daily deal industry has evolved. This effective daily deal industry has several benefits and flexibility to the users as well as the webmasters.

So agriya determines all the essential facts and advantages then developed a successful collective buying product called Groupdeal, an excellent groupon clone script. This effective Groupon clone script is effectively integrated with several advanced features and options. Amongst the several features and benefits, let’s have a look around one of the beneficial feature as follows and enables their Groupon users to get in touch with the website on the move also. This collective deal website has integrated with the mobile application, may be with android or an iphone. So this highly facilitates the users to get in touch with the GroupDeal website forever.

Be that way, groupon clone covers several blasting features and options in this collective buying script. To know all the details, feel free to contact experience the demo and solve your queries and clarifications.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Content Delivery Network Integration

Groupism is best when it comes for a collective buying concept. It would be gracious that if something gets a benefited way by means of group acquisition. By sticking this as a basic fact, a profitable daily deal industry has evolved.

This professional industry has several features which groupon clone provide more effective benefits to the webmasters as well as the end users. Among the several beneficial features, let’s see one of the useful features as follows
Agriya has intellectually integrated the content distribution networking logic, which enables the site to deliver the website ingredients from several external servers been arranged on network. So the main advantage of such CDN feature is consumes the user’s time on fetching data and accesses it and induces the website performance.

Be that way, Agriya binds several intellectual features and benefits. To know more about the successful collective buying script, contact and experience the demo and get clear with this exclusive product.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Enjoy the benefits of the exceptional feature of Groupon clone script

Groupon has astonishes the online industry with its innovative idea, but as they say idea’s are no one’s monopoly. So if you wish to create a website like GroupOn then opt for the best daily deal software –GroupDeal.

This script helps you to launch a collective buying website with various features and inbuilt revenue options. Let’s see one of the user-friendly features of this script.

Comfort your users with Digital Wallet

Let your users manage, store and spend on your website with just few clicks.

All this is possible due to the most comforting feature – Digital wallet. The users can add money in their wallet referring friends and pre payment options. He doesn’t have to enter the details of his credit card again and he will also have the account of all transactions made on the website.

The users can withdraw money from their wallet by making a request to you. This allows you to check with your accounts and release the payments accordingly.

Final word

The above-mention feature is just one of the beneficial features of this script. GroupDeal has many such features which will help you to outshine your competitors and provide you splendid results as well. Contact Agriya to know more details about GroupDeal.